Please see below our January 2020 financial update:
1) January 2020 Financials
Revenue for the month of January was $7,015, a very strong start to the new year! In addition, our giving statistics show that our Average and Median numbers are very similar, which indicates a strong giving base. This is good because it shows us that we are not relying on substantial gifts from a few individuals, but instead have a large group of people who donate.
Some giving statistics:
Revenue: $7,015 (+1,998 YoY*)
Average donation: $234 (+14 from last month)
Median: $200
# of Giving Units: 30 (+2 from last month)
Min: $20
Max: $920
Click HERE to view our monthly financial documents on Google Drive!
* YoY stands for “Year-over-Year”, which is used to compare how we did this month with last year. In this case, for example, we had $1,998 more revenue in January 2020 than we did in January 2019.
2) Mission Fund
During the month of January, we have:
Committed $3,400 to Person A, who was recently diagnosed with cancer and needed help with medical bills; and
Committed $1,000 to Person B, who was in a car accident and needed help with repairs.
At the end of January, we increased the Mission Fund by $3,508 (50% of our January revenue)!
We are so encouraged with the amount of people in our community that are worshiping God in this way. Thank you again for your prayers and support. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out.
- The Finance Team